Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How many market should you follow?

Beginners make the common mistakes of trying to follow too many markets at once. Some look for software to scan thousands of stocks and quickly bog down. Serious beginners should pick no more than two or three dozen stocks and tract them day in and day out. You need to get to know them, develop a feel for how they move. Do you know when your companies release their earnings? Do you know their highest and lowest prices for the past year? The more you know about a stock, the more confidence you have and the fewer surprises can jump out at you. Many professionals focus on just a few stocks, or even on a single one.

Which stocks should you track? Begin by choosing two or three currently hot industries. Technology, Internet, telecommunications, and biotechnology industries are in the forefront of the market at the time of this writing, but the list is likely to change. It always does. Pick half a dozen leading stocks in each of those industries and follow them daily. That is where you will find the highest volumes, the steadiest trends, the crispest reversals. Several months later, after you get to know your stocks and make some money, you may be ready to add another industry group and pick its top six stocks. Remember, the depth of your research is much more important than its breadth. You can make more money from a handful of familiar stocks.

Stock and option trading